
Cooks and confectioners' work is a heavy one. It requires both, a good deal of physical efforts and imagination, as well as creativity. It is also time-consuming. Therefore it is only natural that chefs have found it necessary to set up an association of their own, whose members could meet several times a year to rub shoulders, share experience, and get acquainted with new products, equipment and technologies. Furthermore, a national association is a prerequisite for joining the worldwide institutions, establishing business relations with organizations of the neighbouring countries, and being attractive in the eyes of employers and supporters.
More than 90 specialists of the country's public catering establishments are the Association's members. The president is Jaroslav Orševski. The main supporters of LRVVKA are AS „Santa Maria“, AB „Nordic Sugar Kėdainiai“, UAB „Reaton“, UAB „Sangaida“, UAB „Manjana“, UAB „Mantinga“, UAB „Sanitex“, UAB „MBR parduotuvių ir restoranų įranga“, UAB „Baltic Larus“, UAB „Jokado projektai“. Media sponsors are magazines: „Geras skonis“, „Restoranų verslas“, „Gurmano gidas“.
The Association is planning to have general meetings in January, March, May, September and November. At the meetings, the members will be acquainted with companies supplying raw materials and equipment, their new products, and discounts they are offering. The participants will also be given an opportunity to get involved in creative activities.
Those who wish to join LRVVKA are to fill in a questionnaire, to write an application to the president, to submit 2 references and to pay an entrance fee of € 60 and € 40 in annual membership dues.
If you wish to receive a questionnaire, please click ANKETA. Write your first and family name, the name and telephone number of your establishment.
For more information:
Mobile: (+370) 615 67405
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wish you the best of luck.